華為無線榮獲三項GSMA 全球移動大獎

根據華為官方消息在MWC 2021期間,2021 GSMA全球移動大獎(GLOMO)新鮮出爐華為無線榮獲“最佳移動網絡基礎設施獎”“最佳新興市場移動創新獎”“最佳抗疫技術創新獎”三項大獎GSMA GLOMO 獎項素有“移動產業奧斯卡”的美稱是對實力與貢獻的認可除了華為之外其它設備製造商也獲得了獎項

曝小米MIX 4將於8月發布曲面屏下前攝,Snapdragon 888 Plus

最新消息小米MIX 4將會在今年8月份左右發布屆時至少會是首批搭載驍龍888 Plus的機型之一此前消息已確認該機的工程版本測試過這款新品至於是否能首發還不能確定作為全面屏手機時代的開創者以及手機屏幕時代的探索者小米MIX 4此次將以屏下前攝的形態正式登場詮釋真正的全面屏

It is revealed that Xiaomi's annual flagship has tested the Snapdragon 888 Plus

Breaking news blogger @digital chat station latest news said,The previously rumored Xiaomi annual flagship "K8" engineering machine has previously tested the Snapdragon 888 Plus chip,However, he also revealed,The official mass production version of the machine has not yet finalized the final plan,It is not ruled out that the Snapdragon 888 will be used。It was previously reported that this "K8" flagship is the return of the long-awaited Mi MIX regular flagship.,Maybe it will be named Xiaomi MIX 4,As the pioneer of the full screen era,The machine will once again explore the ultimate full screen,Equipped with the latest generation of under-screen camera technology,Realize a true full screen。

Qualcomm officially released the Snapdragon 888 Plus:Samsung Craft,Xiaomi/vivo/Honor/Motorola/ASUS, etc. are the first to use

Qualcomm announced the new Snapdragon 888 Plus 5G mobile platform on June 28。Snapdragon 888 Plus/Snapdragon 888+ continue Samsung 5nm,The frequency is higher。Compared to Snapdragon 888,The main upgrade of the Snapdragon 888 Plus is that the main frequency of the Cortex-X1 large core has been increased from 2.84GHz to 3GHz,It is expected that the performance will be improved by about 5%;also,The computing power of the 6th generation Qualcomm AI engine it supports is as high as 32 trillion operations per second (32 TOPS),AI performance improved by more than 20%。Other hard parameters remain basically unchanged。

Xiaomi Mi 12 Ultra first exposure:1.92Megapixel main camera、1inch oversized sole

據最新消息,The Xiaomi Mi 12 series will be equipped with a 192-megapixel main camera with a "super-large bottom",There are reports that it will reach a native 1-inch oversized bottom,This is also the largest known bottom in the industry.。Simultaneously,The sensor will also support Pixel 16-in-1 technology,Achieving the equivalent 1200-pixel shooting effect,On the basis of the original 1-inch outsole,Increased light intake again、image capture capability。Because this super-bottom sensor has too strict requirements on the internal space of the fuselage,It may only be seen on Xiaomi Mi 12 Ultra。

Lenovo launches the Yoga Tab 11 flat:Helio G90T chip

在MWC 2021世界通信大會期間聯想在海外發布了多款平板電腦新品本次發布的Yoga Tab 11和Yoga Tab 13屬於同系列底部均有著捲軸造型,Support stylus。這款平板搭載聯發科Helio G90T芯片平台提供4GB+128G或8GB+256GB存儲空間

Xiaomi Notebook Pro X Preheating,LPDDR4X memory with 4266MHz

Xiaomi announced on June 28,"High-energy flagship、The thin and light "Xiaomi Notebook Pro X" will be officially released on June 30。subsequently,Xiaomi began to gradually reveal various new features of the machine,Such as 45W performance unleashed Intel H35 processor,NVIDIA's latest light-chasing GeForce RTX 3050Ti graphics card,Thin and light flagship memory LPDDR4X,Frequency up to 4266MHz,Expected to be an onboard model。

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 has not been released yet,Xiaomi Mi Pad 6 has started to be drafted:Mainly taking photos



小米在上半年發布了“影像新物種”小米11 Ultra而下半年的旗艦將是一款屏下前攝機型目前被認為是小米MIX 4。根據知名爆料博主@數碼閒聊站透露除了這款小米MIX 4之外小米在下半年的佈局中還有一款搭載屏下前攝的折疊屏旗艦至於屏下前攝折疊屏機型的信息目前還尚不明確但是有一些消息稱該機將會基於MIX FOLD的基礎上改進而來